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Musician Diana Asamoah reveals she was once a teacher

 Published By Peter Gasper

Gospel musician Diana Asamoah revealed that she was once a teacher.

During a one-on-one interview with Andy Dosty on Hit FM, monitored by Blogger and Journalist Attractive Mustapha ,she explained that her involvement in teaching was influenced by her father.

Despite initial skepticism from the host, Andy Dosty, she elaborated, sharing that, at one point, she considered selling soap.

However, her father, concerned for her safety, discouraged it, fearing she might face harm.

She went on to explain that while at Saint Monica’s School, she had the opportunity to fill in for an absent teacher, and her teaching skills were well-received.

“They liked my teaching skills, so it continued from there, and my students never failed because I never fail in life,” she added confidently.

