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“Criss Waddle, I miss your manhood in me” – Abena Korkor

 Published By Traze Closet

Abena Korkor has publicly lauded Criss Waddle for his ability in bed and revealed that she misses his manhood inside her.

The socialite advocate discussed her experiences and problems with mental health and relationships in a new update.

Her viral post also discussed her amorous experiences and contacts with numerous men, some of whom she claims gave her money incentives in exchange for sexual favors.

One of the individuals mentioned in Abena Korkor’s revelations is Alex, the rumored owner of Peduase Lodge, whom she claims offered her $20,000 for sex.

Abena Korkor’s revised list includes prominent personalities such as experienced media personality Randy Abbey.

Abena Korkor indicated in her raw admissions that she was prepared to take advantage of any opportunities that financial stability might present, particularly in light of her difficulties, by saying that she would be “taking troski” (public transportation).

The update also includes an unexpected shout-out to musician Criss Waddle, implying a previous love relationship

