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I still pay Strongman although he’s left my label – Sarkodie

 Published By Traze Closet

I still pay Strongman although he’s left my label – Sarkodie

In an interview for the “Way Up With Angela Yee” podcast, Sarkodie revealed how he pays musicians, surprising many of his followers with his generosity.

The seasoned rapper revealed that he goes above and above to make sure that the musicians contracted with his business receive outstanding income, even continuing to pay those who have left.

Sarkodie talked about the incredible 50/50 share arrangement his label has with performers, which is astonishing given the financial commitments the company has made. His devoted following was astounded and filled to the brim with admiration when he revealed this information.

Sarkodie stressed during the discussion his dedication to treating musicians fairly and with respect, an uncommon stance in the typically contentious music business. He emphasized the importance of adequately rewarding artists for their labor and commitment to their trade.

Sarkodie claimed that because it is what he would have liked to have happened, he supports this viewpoint. He continued by saying that when he first started out as an artist, he did not have the luxury of a record label.

Due to prior allegations made by one of his former signees, Strongman, who claimed that he had not made much money while working for SarkCess Music, many people were shocked by the rapper’s remarks.

