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Xscape BREAKS UP!! Kandi & Todd Suing Tocha’s Husband … Tocha Officially Kicked Out The Group!

 Published By Traze Closet

The popular 1990s group Xscape is officially broken up, Media Take Out has learned. For years there has been tension in the group between the three women Tamika, Tiny and Kandi and the fourth member of the group, Tocha.

Media Take Out spoke with multiple people in the know, and they confirmed to us that Tamika, Tiny and Kandi have agreed to dissolve the LLC which owns the rights to the group Xscape, and are forming another one – without Tocha.

It’s not clear whether the three remaining members will be able to use the name “Xscape” for the new trio going forward, Media Take Out has learned.

Now for the tea, and it is JUICY. The end of the group was precipitated by a brewing feud between Kandi and Tocha’s husband Rocky Bivens.

The final straw came when Rocky’s called in to the popular podcaster Tasha K, during an interview where he was exposed for cheating on his wife. Listen to the initial episode, where his alleged side chick speaks here, it is VERY juicy. Here’s a sum up of what the side chick had to say:

A day later, Rocky called Tasha K – and started making some crazy accusations towards Xscape members, and Kandi’s husband Todd. Listen to his explanation:

During the call in, Rocky accused Kandi’s husband of hom***xual activities with transgender individuals. Media Take Out confirmed that Tasha K only aired part of the call, because he said REALLY OUTLANDISH things, that Tasha couldn’t air.

But after the call, Tasha reportedly sent the entire call – behind the scenes – to Kandi. And according to our source, Rocky had a lot to say about Kandi and Todd that we did not hear.

After Kandi received the evidence from Tasha – there was a conference call between Kandi, Tiny and Tamika in which they have discussed their options in moving forward as a unit. Kandi explained her side and told the group that she is filing a defamation lawsuit against Rocky and received the blessing of her group members to do what she has to do to protect her family and the reputation of her Empire.

Media Take Out confirmed that Rocky lost it after learning about the potential lawsuit, and reportedly called Kandi and Todd and made some statements that people view are “threats.”

And there’s more. Kandi’s lawsuit – which has yet to be filed – will reportedly cover issues other than defamation. The Burress’ legal team is exploring bringing some sort of a fraud action – suggesting that Rocky may have misappropriated $30,000 of the group’s money.

